Category: Uncategorized

  • Media Day Photos

    Many of you have asked if you could get copies of the photos Becky took at the MSAA Media Day. Here is the link to the album:

  • 2025 USA Archery and USAT Events Posted

    The calendar has been updated with the events that have posted dates for 2025 thus far. This includes all the USAT events: Arizona Cup, Gator Cup, SoCal Showdown, and Buckeye Classic. Also included are the Indoor and Outdoor Nationals and Field Nationals. The MSAA Christmas Party, MSAA Media Day, and USA Archery Virtual Tournament at…

  • MSAA Genesis Bow League

    MSAA Genesis Bow league will shoot every Saturday morning, 9am-10am or 10am-11am, which ever time you sign your archer up for. The league will run every Saturday, Sept. 14 through Dec. 14. On Dec. 14 we will have our league championship immedately followed by the awards ceremony.  The competitive categories will be just like the state archery program.…

  • USA Archery Mississippi State Indoor Championship Photo Dump

    If you attended the tournament in Hattiesburg, this is the link to upload any photos you would like to share.

  • Compound Champions Crown

    We all love to have fun, but not many more do so than Coach Dennis. Here he is wearing what I call the Compound Champions Crown. It currently belongs to Destinie (there is a story behind that, be sure to ask her about it). If you have any post worthy photos, general silliness, or information…

  • New posters are up

    The new archer posters have been installed. Be sure to check them out!